Totally agree with the post from Simon S re assumed right to the racing line. The circuit is the WHOLE area between the white lines, the 'racing line' merely being the perceived best route. The practice of leaning or squeezing another competitor is totally outside the regulations and sporting code. When overtaking the onus for safety in on the overtaking driver who must allow the other competitor sufficient room to fully maintain the circuit. By the same token a driver who is being overtaken must also allow the driver making the passing attempt sufficient room to maintain the circuit should there be an overlap. Again between the white lines. With the lack of mirrors on a kart the easy cop out is always 'I didn't see him/her' however how many of us have been 'surprised' by someone on the inside unless it is someone who has already lost it under braking and is out of control, not strictly trying to pass? Experienced racers know very well that someone is there. This thread started with the use of run offs and apex kerbs but has digressed into use of the circuit itself but my original post still has a bearing on what is happening on the circuit by the definition of where a competitor can drive or not as the case may be and stay within the rules. I am sure we have all at some time fallen victim to the banzai attack from a kart mostly off the defined circuit, on the grass or over the kerb that has gone unpunished. Sadly in the light of recently well documented incidents that now appear to condone the use of off circuit driving these illegal maneuvers are likely to increase unless clerks start handing out penalties.