I agree with the majority on this issue where�s the point in wasting your money on protesting?
Perhaps I am wrong but surely after every incident on track then the CofC should shout on the radio to all officials did anybody see any wrong doing in that incident?
Therefore if the answer is NO then where�s the point in protesting an incident to which there are NO official witnesses?
Why would that protest succeed?
Or Steve, am I putting too much faith in the race officials, expecting them to deal with all incidents which they witness?
Karting is expensive enough without burning �260 or whatever it currently is, just for fun, we pay our money the exact amount that is asked for and I for one do NOT expect to have to pay extra for the rules to be enforced properly.
As far as I am concerned the appeal system is there for protesting wrong decisions that are given to you as a competitor NOT for making the officials do what we have already paid them for!