That comment about the plug is a GOOD sign! You have looked and you have OBSERVED and you have REMEMBERED!
Once you've done the other things you mentioned, go and buy the EasyStart (to have 'on hand') and, ideally, a small 'spartk-plug-wire-brush'. These are normally small and copper/bronzish in colour.
Then TRY and start it without doing anything else. If it does NOT start, smell the exhaust pipe. If it smells STRONGLY of petrol, then you'll know that at least SOME of the fuel is getting there. Then remove the plug and look CLOSELY at it!
You can then try cleaning the plug with the brush and the EasyStart if that turns out to be the problem.
Clean it or buy a new one, refit it and see if THAT does it!
Your total cost will be EasyStart and a wire brush! That will give you 70% of the kit that you need to start MOST motors....... including your CAR....... and lawnmower!!