That's the problem Alan........ clearly, unlike you I HAVE been FORCED to use a Mac and what a PILE OF CR*P IT WAS!
Even the SIMPLEST job left it GAPING! Just TRY to get an I-(would like to be a pc)-Mac using 'leopord' to talk to ANY Wifi which is NOT using 'security'! They call it 'Aiport' but 'Airhead' would be closer!
I-Tunes is the PERFECT example of an Apple product....
1) Outdated 2) APPALLING Interface 3) No CONCEPT of the meaning of the words: 'Album Art' 4) Staggeringly SLOW an inept at LOADING 5) Begrudgingly JUST about able to play something OTHER than an 'Apple Encoding' 6) It's NATIVE format (MP4) is JUST a 'wrapper' for a REAL product! 7) No 'common touch' between 'desktop' product and the software ON the IPOD 8) Badly written 'help' (now that IS funny!) facility! 9) It's really wafer thin veneer over a MARKETING TOOL rather than a PROPER product 10) TEN YEARS in the productiong and STILL RUBBISH! 11) Loved by IMBECILES who don't even NOTICE that it doesn't do the JOB because they have FALLEN for the Apple HYPE and who have no idea what a computer SHOULD do! 12) Utterly PACKED with bugs after THIS length of time! (In PC, things get ;stable' after version 2.5, clearly it hasn't happenen on ITunes even though we are now on VERSION 8.01.11) 13) Oh...... and the APPEARANCE is like some ancient database from the 19 SEVENTIES!
It has LONG been my view that the Apple stuff has been designed and built by MARKETING people who have HEARD what software can do....... but have never SEEN any!
Do they employ ANY programmers or is it ALL done by tea-boys??????
Finally, my young niece was FORCED to use a Mac 'Book' for work when she joined a new company....... and that was just ONE of the reasons why she LEFT them..... to work for a PROPER company who wanted to MAKE MONEY and not just impress others in Cafes! I'll leave you with her 'un-prompted' parting comment:
"I need a computer on which I can do some WORK! I need a BUSINESS tool and NOT poncey-arty-*arty ROAD-JEWELRY!"
You stick with your:-
"I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and bright! And I pity Any girl who isn't me tonight.
I feel charming, Oh, so charming It's alarming how charming I feel! And so pretty That I hardly can believe I'm real."
(West Side Story!)
..... Mac stuff and leave the PC to those of us who need to WORK on computers!