Rich..... it's every BIT as bad as is quoted and, to be honest, FAR worse! I am a late IPod user....... and I now know WHY!
You sound a committed IPod user and I am SURE you can explain how things work. So..... I am SURE you will be able to tell me how you apply 'Album Art'! Please note the use of the WORDS and that the word ALBUM means the same in English as 'American'!
Perhaps you can also explain why, when I access (independently) the IDENTICAL tracks and on the SAME PC in both Media Player and ITunes EXACTLY WHY that it takes 1.6 seconds to load Media Player but FOURTEEN SECONDS to load ITunes. And I don't have THAT many tracks loaded onto both of them! Christ KNOWS how slow it's going to get when I FILL it!
Talking to my nephew who works in the Music Industry (suppliers of 'MP3' tracks to a VAST swathe of the 'juke box' industry in the UK), I got LAUGHED at when I complained about ITunes! He simply could NOT have been more ABUSIVE towards it if he'd tried! He is trying to pesuade me to try MediMonkey! He was similarly abusing to ME because I didn't (as he put it): "already KNOW how bad Apple software REALLY is"!
Remember, I did NOT come to this situation after reading what OTHERS had said about ITunes! I came to it 'cold' and BOUGHT INTO this 'Apple Works' HYPE! It's only when I tried to USE what it SAYS it does, that I discovered that it DIDN'T and that EVERYBODY KNEW (bar me!) that it DIDN'T!!!!!!
All my prejudices were CONFIRMED by trying to USE one! And that IS a rare event: to be proved RIGHT about my prejudices!