As someone who CHOOSES to work 'for' the general public (councillor), I have a pretty realistic view of what they are willing to DO for themselves!
If you GENUINELY believe that more than 10% of 'karters' will respond to the 'petition', then you have a more 'generous' view of the 'public' than I do! Mine is based on bitter experience!
For example: a new 'Travellers' camp site (wrongly called a Gypsy site) was proposed next to our village. EveryBODY moaned about it and we had PRECISELY 3 letters/emails about it, even though we have a population of about 300 people! That's a ONE percent 'response' rate! For a 'Gypsy site'...............
As a councillor, it was fairly hard to state that we had been INNUNDATED with complaints....... when we had PRECISELY three letters..........
Luckily, it was NOT approved....... no thanks to our locals, however.........
I wish you the VERY best of luck and I will be DEL-F***ING-IGHTED to be proved WRONG! Damn it, I CHALLENGE karters to PROVE ME to be a complete TW*T and let's SEE 100% of you writing to your MP and completing the petition if ONLY to make a fool of me!
Sadly, even though I'd RATHER be 'wrong' on this....... I, TRULY, do NOT think that I am!