About this time of year in 2006 Alex Albon was on an Intrepid and was running away at most tracks. Roy Johnson and a few others started to use the Intrepid as well and it did look like the chassis to beat. This was also about the time that Zip introduced the Storm and the Octane cadet came on the market. While the weather stayed cold (a lot of the year in UK!) the Intrepid held its own but as we got more dry weather and a little heat on the track, the Storm started to prove itself. By about July of 2007 most people had gone back to the Zip - either the new storm or the older Blade. As you say, if 96% of cadets are on Zips then they should have a high percentage of winners but they choose the Zip because it has proven itself to be the best around. Tonykart are now starting to get a few cadet drivers and having success. The take up is likely to be fairly slow because of the memory of the Intrepid - looked great at this time of year but not competitive in warmer weather. The important point for you is how competitive is your driver at the moment? If there is still a lot of time to be found in him through improved lines, set-up (does he give good feedback?) and consistency then even if a Zip was 2/10ths a lap faster than the Intrepid it would not be worth changing now. It is the same with engines - why bolt on a high cost `monster engine' when it will make little difference.