Welll...... I was rather hoping you'd do that.
Put simply, you seem to think 2 wheels is OK...... however, read further down the page and you'll find that others say it's only illegal at 4 wheels off the track, that would imply that THREE was ok.
Even the YOU would notice that there is a DISCREPANCY there. You WILL be BEATEN by the man who allows himself THREE wheels off the track..... and you will WHINE about that!
For me, it doesn't MATTER how many wheels are ALLOWED off the track so long as we ALL live by the SAME rules!
And that's WHY we have RULES! To stop this discrepancy!
But of course, you won't mind if I was to run with a 200cc motor in Rotax becasue it's ONLY:
".... the cheeps [who] will always follow the rules anyway....."
..... and you wouldn't want to be called a 'cheeps', would you, Florent!