".....eventualities and you can't have a fair sport that doesn't allow for reason, discretion and mitigation"
I see, Steve.......
'....can't have a fair sport.....' when enforcing 'area of play' rules........
So... all the money and time spent on Hawkeye at Wimbledon was a COMPLETE waste, was it?
Well, it MUST have been because they clearly believe that you CAN have a FAIR sport WITHOUT using what you describe as 'discretion' over the 'play area'!
I expect you'l NOW make the same argument about the boundary rope, the 'crease, and the 'no ball' line in cricket. The touch line in football, rugby and hockey. The court markings in squash, badminton and table tennis. The Track markings in track-althletics and Velodrome cycling. Of course, that WOULD cancel Geoff Hurst's 1966 goal in the World Cup if the ref. was allowed to treat THAT goal line with 'discretion'.
Hang on.......Wait a MINUTE.......
You know, it's NOT those sports that are strange; it's US that is the ONLY sport whose 'referees' are INCAPABLE of monitoring and maintaining rules about the limits of the PLAY AREA. Just go and discuss with sailors, canoeists, kyakers how the 'marker 'bouy'' rules are enforced!
Steve, this really IS barmy. It really IS just motor-racing which pathetically claims.... 'oohhh it's so HARD to stop people CHEATING about the 'play area''!