It's a reference to the 'I'll meet you on the track' suggestion.
There are two reasons why that suggestions is silly!
When little boys get into an argument in the school playground and have finally got to the point where one has started trading insults rather than LOGIC; that little kid.... usually the one who is losing the argument (please note) shouts:
"Anyway, my dad is BIGGER than your dad'
It is implying if you don't agree with me we'll make this 'physical'. Of course the 'losing' kid REALLY wants to hit the other one but is scared so to do and implies that he'll get his dad to beat up the OTHER kid's dad, instead.
Stay with me, here, old son, stay with me.....!
It also marks the point in an argument when the LOSER has finally found he CANNOT defend his position LOGICALLY and/or REASONABLY. Arrival at that point would usually make an ADULT realise they are in the WRONG and would mark the time to make an apology! Not so for the immature, of course.
Thus, the suggestion to 'go physical' IMMEDIATELY brings attention to the failure of proponent's the argument and the immaturity of the proponent!
Now... look at your suggestion to 'settle' this argument on the track.....
Do I NEED to explain the similarity of your 'meet me on the track' suggestion to the above?
Oooooo....... as it's YOU..... I probably do.....!
The suggestion that ANYONE can sort out a 'discussion' by PHYSICAL means is really showing a STUNNING level of immaturity.
Hence my comment to YOUR 'meet me on the track' suggestion. I was drawing attention to the IMMATURITY of such a suggestion! It also marks the point in time where you have LOST the argument and hoisted a HUGE 'flag' drawing attention to that fact which ALL the rest of us can SEE!!
I'd THRASH you, sonny!
Ian (English humour again, there, old boy!)