As the consistent 'other view' on this web site, I am not QUITE so convinced as the others, here.
Do I have 'third party insurance' for karting? No!
However, do I have Third Party Insurance for OTHER of my hobbies, such as sailing on various inland waterways? Yes! Why? Becasue it's compulsory at SOME sailing locations.
Is sailing MORE likely to cause third party accidents? No! So... how long will/would it be before I try to get it for karting? Not THAT many years!
Put brutally, the 'Motor-racing is Dangerous' warning is somewhat of a 'fig leaf' and a dmaned good wind or savvy lawyer will show us QUITE how ineffective it IS! All a good lawyer would havew to show to NEGATE the 'insurance cover' is to show SOME minor failing on behalf of the 'track' to be able to SIDE-STEP payout!
If you feel at all cautious about these things; why not call a good motor-racing insurance company and ask for a quotation for thrid party cover? I suspect it will be VERY cheap for the peace of mind it might bring. Out of interest, if you do..... can you tell us the quotation for how much cover? I could be interested for myself/my-family!
I HATE to say, I suspect it IS coming!