Not all of that is correct, David.
Health ans safety law DOES do some good! Yes, I KNOW that's uan unpopular thing to say but it is the TRUTH!
In 'my' council, we have been forced to briung in H&S consultants. It costs us a FORTUNE BUT we have done it so that we (the councillors) can show that we ARE taking practical steps about it. We appointed an H&S councillor who is tasked to find the faults that we would have MISSED. That has made many of the items for which I take 'responsibility' more safe than they WOULD have been had we not taken those two steps! Our children's playground is now inspected FAR mopre frequently; the H&S consultants found some barbed wire which we'd missed in the playground and forced us to attend to a man-hole cover that pronbably would nevere have been noticed WITHOUT the H&S stuff. We now ensure that ALL of our wiring is checked and all the eletrical items are, too. In the latest check, we found that a complete set of sockets had lost ALL their 'earth' connections. We would NEVER have noticed that without the H&S regime until the ensuing injury/fire. Obviously, I cannot tell if that HAS saved lives/injuries but I do have this VERY sneaky suspicion that it may WELL have-done/will-do!
Yes..... it's a complete pain...... just like many medical practices which, overall, make us safer DESPITE the pain!
Don't get me wrong, some oif the stuff DOES go past the level of common sense but I DO suspect it saves MORE REAL PAIN, than it costs!