Don't limit yourself to thinking ONLY about Rotax! All classes have drawbacks and Rotax DOES have some!
Go with an open mind! It is still the largest class in karting today but there really ARE others as well which may suit you even better!
For example, if TKM is raced near you, then you can do it MUCH more cheaply. You'd only NEED to speed �500 to �750 to start with. For �1,000, you'd probably get TWO engines. You can pick up an extra engine for around �250 and there is NOTHING better than to have spare when yours WON'T start. A spare Rotax engine will set you back around �1,000..... Personally, I PREFER TKM to Rotax, it offers SUCH a different class of racing and, in MY opinion, it wil teach you MUCH more and... also in MY opinion..... winning in TKM is LESS about your budget and more about DRIVER SKILL! Others will NOT agree..... that's why you should go and SEE before you have fixed ideas!
For �1,000 to �1500, you may well get the suit, gloves etc.. and possibly, even a trailer! You just WILL not get that if you choose Rotax! Whatever else, don't get a secondhand helmet! Also, don't underestime the cost of all the extras you will need. They do add up, sadly!
By the way..... haven't you been on this site before? Don't I recognise the name?
(PS, I write long replies while running development database reports over Terminal Server or [horror of horrors!] VPN!!!! Hence the HOURS of available time..... while being paid by clients.... tee hee!)