I geared them to run at around 10,800-11,100 at the end of the straight. I also ran them very lean and stopped the slide at about 3/4 opening. They are restricted somewhere in between mini and junior max to give them about 5 secs over the standard twin fleet at MK and I can make them run much faster.
After a while, I took to changing the batteries at every fuel stop to help with that issue, I think it worked generally. It was a bit of an unknown quantity for us but I'm pleased with it overall. The RK blue chains were amazing and the YDS tyres lasted the entire 24 hours. I did have to swap a lot of fronts left to right after about 16 hours to even the wear out. The pads just about lasted although they have been on the fleet since new. The clutches are all now totally screwed, but it wasn't the 24hr race that killed them, it was the 8 x 2hour races from Tuesday - Friday driven by inexeperienced people that hurt them.
We will be running another 24 hour race at the 1360m MK track in May if anyone is interested. Will be a lot cheaper than Wembley.
Thanks to everyone who took part, we are very proud to have put on this event.
Richard - Daytona.