The NKRA information is on under the tab NKRA and Series Championship /sub menu NKRA championships
It costs �50 to enter.
Each event is run at/during a club meeting
The price of entry for each event is fixed at �75 including the practice on Saturday, but you have to pay the whole (�75) fee in advance.
If you wish you can enter using the club standard fee if for example you dont want to do the practice and add the �3 NKRA fee on top.
You can join the NKRA at any time during the year, but you score maximum points for any events that you miss. (The NKRA scores 0 for winning, grid size for coming last,etc), so its best to join before you go to the first race. (also you have to be registered to get the weekend special rate).
The NKRA scoring system confuses some people.
Each NKRA area runs a Regional Championship (5 events). (Southern: Clay (2)/Forest Edge (2) and RyeHouse)
Then there is a Grande Final, this year at Hooton Park.
The scoring is done by adjusting the points gained in the Regional championships for the difference in the numbers in the area (so if one area has ten and the other area has thirty there is some sort of balance) and then adding the points gained in the Grande Final.
(There's a small difference with the scoring of Blues, because they get their National Numbers through this championship, but if you aren't racing Blue, it doesn't affect you, for example they have an "O" plate this year at Larkhall).
It is worth it if you want to take part in a multi-track Championship without the cost / difficulty / travel of something like Super One. The more people join, the better the competition and of course, if every body hangs about waiting then nobody joins...or you suddenly realise there's a good grid just after the first race when you have foregone a load of points!