Many thanks for all your kind words and thoughts for Kim. He enjoyed the fun and challenges karting gave and was more than happy to help anyone when needed. Whoever it was, Kim was always happy to help a friend in need. Unfortunately, Kim suffered at the end as the cancer had hit him hard, He was made comfortable and was able to enjoy the best Christmas ever for the family, especially for his children. He eventually passed away in the early of New Years day and was adament that he was going to fight on until this time. He will be greatly missed by myself, Emma, Ryan, Hadley, Jo-Anne and Louise and by everyone that knew this great man. The funeral will be held at the Woodland Burial ground at Hinton, Walkford BH23 7EJ at 11 a.m. on Wednesday the 14th January. Everyone is invited, Kim would want you all there. There is a party afterwards to celebrate him if you would like to attend, please contact me on 01425 275518. There is room for you all! Julie.