Be VERY careful, here, guys!
Safety systems don't ALWAYS react like they should.
Take the simple Bicycle helmets! We have had them for YEARS now. So far, the figures show that they have NOT cut the injuries to cyclists. They appear tpo have CHANGED the injuries. I am assured that they INCREASE the chanmces of neck injury but MAY reduce the head injuries!
You don't believe me?
Look at this from a web site IN FAVOUR of helmets:-
Google words "cycle helmets safety results" to find some other views on it!
It SHOCKED me! I did't think there WAS an argument about it!
Until the Leat or any OTHER neck brace has been tested for KARTS, then it would NOT appear to be a simple thing of 'you are SAFER with than without'!
Look at the strange reports of kart/race-car/bike crash helmets! Many of the safety tests are based on ROAD safety tests and NOT track-safety tests! The difference is that, on the ROAD, motorcyclist's helmets are quite likely to hit HIGH square-cut kerbs, concrete posts, street lights, stationary cars, backs of lorries, etc. etc.. However, how many of THOSE do you find on the tracks? There is a suggestion that the CHEAP helmets are BETTER than the expensive ones as they do better in RACING accidents!
A few years earlier, the soft neck braces were 'supposed' to be an advantage. The MSA STILL do not promote them...... That seems to say a LOT!
The point is that the MSA S*H*O*U*L*D be testing THIS sort of stuff FOR us (and to STOP wasting their time with the Side Pods rubbish, etc.!).
I am with Nik on this one..... I would NOT wear one (and I would discourage my children from weraring them) until it has been thoroughly tested for OUR sport!