Errrrrrr......"After all they didn't voluntarily reduce prices when the EUR/GBP rate was favourable."
Errrrr..... why ELSE do you think we lost a LOT of our own home grown kart manufacturing? We USED to have good ENGINE manufacturers, too (Zip, Hewland, TKM, Upton etc.).
When the pound came BACK (after the effects of us we escaping from the ERM (European Monetary System) the prices of UK karts went uncompetitive. For example, Simon Wright found he couldn't BUILD the karts for the prices that the Italians were SELLING them!
Now that the pound has fallen AGAIN, then perhaps we can escape the Italian made stuff AGAIN (and about time TOO!) and support our home-built stuff more!
This BELOVED Government has reduced the value of the 'pound in your pocket' by almost THIRTY PERCENT! Those buying 'foreign' kart parts WILL be paying that price........ on the other hand, we will be able to SELL to the rest of the world MUCH more easily...... as soon as we start BUILDING things again... that is!