From reading this years reg book, theres 2 types of helmet sticker:
MSA Motor Racing Sticker (blue)
and an MSA Kart Racing Sticker (green)
Kart racing requires one of these stickers to make the helmet legal.
The blue MSA sticker has an expiry date, they last about 3 years.
The green Karting sticker has no expiry date, meaning aslong as the helmet is in good condition, it can be raced.
Theres alot more detail about these stickers and other homologations, see your blue MSA year book.
But in short, an Arai SK5 manufactured in 2006, will be fine for racing until it's decided that it's in an "unsafe condition" to race.
There is also something about suits in the book, from what I can recall, the CIK/FIA dates are irrelevant for karting and it depends on the homologation or something. I don't know alot about suits, just the helmets.
Anyway this is just what I picked up from browsing the year book, I strongly advise you to read the appropriate sections, as they're very informative!