Sort of....
I was trying to say it's not JUST the material. I think it's a combination of a number of things (factors). I can't 'weight' the effects of each as there is no way I can 'isolate' each 'factor'.
If we could find a set of wheels made of Mag and of Aly that were of identical 'casting' and the metal had the IDENTICAL stiffness, then we could test it. Without that, we can ONLY use 'your' method of 'try it and see'!
My point was that I don't think ANY of us can isolate it to say that 'Mag/Aly has a better heat control than Aly/Mag' because at least 3 things change every time we change the sets
1) Stiffness 2) Heat buildup/dissipation 3) Weight (and thus rotational mass!)
Bought right down to grass roots level, I suspect we'd find that you can find one make of Mags that WILL work 'better' (than ABC make of alys) in XYZ conditons whereas another make will work 'worse' in those same conditions. It's not JUST the 'mag' which makes it 'better'.
I bought mags all those years ago because they were LIGHTER! Daft, really: saving a few grams compared to the overall weight of the kart+me! A few less pies would have made more difference!