Yeh i think it probs was a testosterone fueled thing. Thing is tho all starts like that get away with it at S1 and then wen the boys congregate for a race thats how things are because it seems accepted at S1 due to the lack of clamping down on the chaos at the starts. I don't know what the solution is, single file starts maybe under the safety kart? but its going to have to change somehow, spotters on the first bend, I don't know...
At fulbeck it was interesting that there was a lot of chaos in the first heat, a driver even flipped yet that race was allowed to carry on, no red flags. I know Martin collared us in the office and said he tried for a restart but surely that was a worse start than the finals and maybe should have also seen a red flag? Not a critism at all but maybe the officials didn't know how to deal with this on the day and maybe the MSA need to take a look at the starting situations to help their officials and members?