We usually give the same advice as follows BUT we start with a simple one to begin with :-
**** DO NOT BUY A KART...... YET...... ****
Having said that... we'll move on:-
1) Tell us about yourself, age, loaction, experience and if you (and Dad, for example) can get you to a track on Sundays etc.
2) We'll tell you when the next race is.
3) If you can make it, post another message wit the title: "Junior (senior) Newbie needs Into at (track X) on (date y)"
4) Usually, someone will reply saying, 'meet us by the big red van (etc.)
5) You and Dad arrive and spend the day with them and any other team who offers and they will explain karting to you. You help polish, push, clean, carry and you and Dad buy the Bacon Sarnies and Teas for the day.
6) You then do it AGAIN for AT LEAST two more races; ideally ONE of those days, you do that at a DIFFERENT track so that you can see that there are quite large differences between them and what is raced.
7) By now, you'll know a HELL of a lot more about karting, what is raced and what you CAN afford. You wil also know LOADS of people in karting whoi will be able to ADVISE what to buy and what NOT to buy. They may even help you find one and advise on one that you might see elsewhere!
Until then DON'T buy ANYTHING (except teas and sarnies!). When you've done that lot, THEN is the time to buy..... but not until!