Chad...... I have seen more change in karting than YOU! That makes it slightly easier for me to see WHICH changes may do WHAT, as I have seen them before.
Those of us who HAVE raced with high back seats and have been trapped UNDER one might JUST know what we are talking about! For your information, I STILL have the twin to the one which I was using in my during my biggest shunt at Snetterton.
High backed seats are NOT a new idea.
Personally, I support them for Bambinos and (possibly) Cadets.
I'd also like to know that the answer to the following: If high backed seats help... then why NOT use a full Roll-Over-Hoop becasue THAT would do the same job PROPERLY? If THAT works, why not a FULL ROLLCAGE. If THAT works, why not deformable crash structure? ....And so on until we arrive at 250cc 'Jedi' racing!
We are KARTS and we have an inherent safety which other motor racing 'formulae' would LIKE to attain. We MUST be doing SOMETHING better than other 'formulae' or we'd have MORE injuries than them!