Another bit of faulty logic, there, Alan.
No one would DENY that you CAN make yourself faster WITHOUT 'bum-in-seat-time'. Similarly, I suspect that no one would deny that you CAN go faster WITHOUT 'data loggers'. Neither of them are mutually exclusive which you seem to be trying to claim...... however, I NEVER claimed that!
My point was that, at George's apparent level of karting (it sounds as though he is just starting at Clubbie meetings at Elough), I feel he will gain MORE and he will gain it more CHEAPLY and he will gain it FASTER by spending his current resources on 'bum-in-seat-time' than he will behind a PC screen! So far, I have met THOUSANDS of people who know the THEORY of 'racing' but.... until they have actually RACED.... I notice that they only win races IN THEIR HEAD and NOT on the track....
The idea that I am somehow AGAINST datalogging is funny when you consider how I P*E*R*S*O*N*A*L*L*Y installed a WORKING version of the 'Alfano' system installed in Rye and Kim in NINETEEN NINETY ONE. I also bought AND USED an early Astratech and was one of the early adopters of the Mychron 3.... Finally, as I earn my (meagre) living FROM software........ I don't think I really AM the ideal candidate of being called a 'Luddite'.
However, from a man who imagines a Mac is a actually a COMPUTER....... what would I expect?