Hi George,
People will tell you 'x' are much better than the rest but I have worked with most systems and can tell you that it's really in software where the differences are. They are all pretty good, ideally you would put parts from Pi, AIM, Alfano and Unipro together.
I've used AIM for the last 4 years and know most of its advantages and disadvantages. The GPS on the MyTach is actually very impressive and does plot very accurately (I'll send you a picture if you like) There are plans to put that directly into the Mychron. The GPS plug-in system obviously has the massive advantage of reading the other measures like RPM, temp, etc from the Mychron 4 but isn't quite as strong as the newer MyTach's hardware unfortunately. The Mychron 4 is definitely the best stand alone dash on the market though.
The Race Studio 2 software is good, as you say, having the advantage of easily overlaying different lap compared to just the c time on Pi. The Alfano and Unipro software is actually more user friendly (which won't be a problem for you anyway) but I don't think you get as much out of it. However I do like the kart set-up sheets on all but the AIM software, which I have requested several times to AIM.
I would say that from what you describe you're looking for you would be better off going for the AIM Extreme E-box. That will give you the accelerometers and speed channel but also the option to expand and add throttle, brake, steering, power valve sensor, lambda, GPS etc if you wanted to.
It's a personal choice (as I actually like the look of the new Alfano Astro LV and it's features) but I think you'll find the AIM products can actually do more than any other system at the moment.
Paul (Race Data)