Thank you :) See the thing is, Karting is atill seen as a "lesser" sport. For example if i said to one of my friends at school "What would you prefer to watch, a kart race or a speedway race?" assuming they know which is which.
The reply i would get would 99% of the tiem be speedway because. A Speedway bike will do a simialr top speed as an average kart, but they A) have no brakes, B) are goign sidewasy round the corners, and C) are "full size". The common perception of karting by the general public is that, it is a kids sport. They don't understand exactly what goes into it, and how fast these karts are. In fact my school mates don't believe me when i say that my kart will do 70 odd, it doesnt seem possible!
Another thing is the crashes. Look at karting and speedway, the crashes in both are spectacular, but it is better viewing to see it quite often in aq speedway race, and see them fly into an air fence, almost comical!
Finally, i am guessing you have been to watch both, but speedway to me is mroe exciting, that is my opinion!!
(No i don't race speedway and never have, and i do prefer karting!!)