The 'lighter' part CAN be false, too! Ali. is more 'resilient' (can take 'knocks' better) than Mag. Secondly, for example, a 1 inche cudbe of Mag IS lighter than a 1 inch cube of Ali. So, the IDENTICAL shaped Mag when WOULD be lighter than an Ali one..... but being more brittle, the Mag one would break quickly. So... they make often make Mag wheels THICKER than Ali and thus they have MORE metal in them. So..... the great advantages of Light Magnesium can be 'easten' by need to make the wheels thicker.
I have an old set of Mags that are HEAVIER than an old set of Alis. However, manufacturing techniques have got better over the years and I suspect that Mags, today' really ARE ligther than most Alis..... but often by a mere FRACTION... for example.... less than the weight of your SUIT! They thus don't save a LOT of weight!
The rotational mass sounds 'better'...... but./..... the 'heaviest part of your tyre/wheel is the TYRE. Thus, even if you saved ALL the weight of your wheel (compared to an Ali wheel) you's only be saving less than HALF the mass of the whole thing!
Finally, the metal of the wheel is at the CENTRE of the rotation of your wheel and tyre. It thereforehas LESS effect on the rotating mass than does the TYRE which reaches right out to the outside of the rotation. Thus, saving the mass on the the bi6t in the middel has LESS effect on the rotational mass than would the ability to 'lighten' the TYRE by the same amount!
Personally, I am 'split' here! I would have believed that MOST of the effect of Mags is 'placebo' (like Davy does)..... but NJB (who HAS won lots of championships) thinks that they CAN be an advantage and I find it hard to disagree with a bloke who has won MANY more than I have!