And AGAIN you prove my point by being UNABLE to answer the QUESTIONS .... which were
1) If rotational-mass is important, why don't WORN tyres work better than NEW tyres as they have an even GREATER effect of rotational mass?
1a) Taking that further, why don't YOU SHAVE your NEW tyres (Zip used to offer the service to long-circuit karters)? That would give EXACTLY the effect that you CLAIM matters WITHOUT needing to use 'used tyres'? And it would offer LARGER benefits than silly Mag wheels!
2) Have you CALCULATED the EFFECT of reducing the rotationa mass of the wheels to see if your claim is VALID?
3) Is the 'saving' even as large as 0.01 percent?
We ALL Know the answers to those!
As I said, you LEAPT from the sinking ship of 'thermal properties' of Mag being THE key point to he increasingly DESPERATE ploy of 'rotational-mass' as a life-boat for your silly claims. Now you can see the Lifeboat has large holes, too!
That was a PERFECT example of 'thrashing about'.