thats what i believe to be the case, no engine builder in there right mind is gonna give average joe a "one off top engine" to go out and beat their other clients drivers who spend �50 -�60,000 a yr with them, that would be suicide!
it also makes me wonder if also there wasnt an underlying plot in these engines turning up at club meetings! you know: engine builder: would you mind taking your lad up to track A this weekend and blow away all the top drivers, ive a couple of promising clients up there who when they see what you got will be giving me a call the next day to see why there engines are like that and what its gonna cost to get one!hhmmmmm let me think? oh and when you finish there move on to track B, ill sort you out later! its the old tyre slashing senario, send out a couple of kids to slash some tyres and drum up some buisness. "me thinks engine building with the right contacts LICENCE TO PRINT ����"