This is the confusing bit, At bayford they haven't had tkm's for about 3 or 4 years apparently, apart from me. The nearest TKM track is about an hour and a half drive. So we've got a TKM BT95 JICA engine running on vega sl6's, so that i can stay with the max's and see what they're doing. So i suppose my kart, is nearer to the max set-up than a TKM, but it is a TKM chassis.
It seems to me that it's only the rear of the kart that's sliding. I've read somewhere, that with the seat further forward means less rear grip/more front grip and further back means more rear grip/less front grip
So if my karts only sliding on the back, that suggests the seats too far forward??
How will i know when we have the right balance?
I hope that all makes some sense, it's confused me...