yeh theyre fine now, all it took was a couple of fibre washers which stopped them leaking....i was about ready to go home this morning cos i completely switched braking systems with the spare kart, only to find that the spare one was broken, so went on the hunt for a new master cylinder, noone had one and then the pit guy on the 76 tkm extreme suggested to try them and it worked. only thing is i forgot to adjust the brakes so the pads were rubbing on the disc the whole race but ill do that for next time...
not something i want to do again, going into turn 1 with foot on the floor and not slowing down!...but hey ho...judging by the amount of hacksaws and banging going on i think my problems were minor in comparison to some peoples....saw one poor guy sawing through a 50mm axle ona rotax cos it was too bent to get out....on a hot day like today he needs a medal just for getting back out!