Hi, Tom from the helmet company here.
The problem of VAT has occurred due to the MSA allowing adults to wear this helmet and the fact the sizes of the helmets have been measured using normal adult sizes.
This therefore does not make the helmet a childs specific helmet. (even though the standard has been aimed at children!)
I spoke to HM yesterday to clarify all of this.
Please remember as a retailer we do not make any money from VAT. We are purely a VAT collector for the goverment.
We do not want to charge VAT but we have to!!
We do not agree with the above but if we do not abide by the rules we could end up with a massive VAT bill in a couple of years!!
The Helmet Company is currently charging VAT on CMR helmets but we do guarantee if the rules change we will naturally stop charging a refund anyone who has already purchased a CMR from us!!