Well, I am NOT saying that John actually DID this but what you might be meaning is the following:
Some motors are better than others by random chance. If you buy 100, test them all and sell 98 slowest ones, you have improved your chances of getting a 'good' motor.
However, the same applies to the COMPONENTS that make a 'good motor'. It's possible that the most FABULOUS Crank from 1 of the 100 was actually in a motor that had a rubbish barrel and that another motor had a FABULOUS barrel and a cr4p crank. Those two motors would NOT have been quick ones and would have been 'sold' in the 98.
Wouldn't it be better to strip and measure/test ALL 100 and build 10 motors from the very BEST components and rebuild the 90 from the remainder?
You then test the last 10, keep the two SUPER motors fro yourself, sell the 90 at a standard price but sell that remaining 8 as real FLYERS (as they will be!) at a premium.... that extra price will PAY for your selected 2 AND make a profit for you.....
As I said, I am NOT saying John did that but he was never a STUPID man.....
Well done John and Jenson! I can't remember wanting someone to win the chamionship THAT much since Mario in the 1970s. That was even more enjoyable than watching Fernando THRASH Michael.... TWICE!