After witnessing another nasty Comer Cadet accident at Rissy on Sunday (the lads were airlifted to hospital) it does appear that the 'sharp' front fairing contributed to the incident.
I was wondering as to whether the MSA gathers accident data. Not every racing incident, but metrics for each MSA race meeting of (a) the number of times ambulance have had to attend on track, (b) severity of injury, (c) class of kart, (d) points of note (e.g. kart flipped)
If such data are not /1/ reported to the MSA, and /2/not persused and analysed by the MSA; then how can the MSA assert rule changes based upon 'safety' when they have no evidential basis to make rule changes in these areas. My gut feeling is that the MSA just tinkers around here and there affected by commercial pressures, but only really raises an eyebrow when drivers die.
These three links summarise urban and race track accidents in the USA and in Canada;
/1/ Go-Kart Related Injuries & Deaths to Children, 1990 - 1999
An estimated 12,800 children under 15 years old were treated in hospital emergency rooms for injuries associated with go-karts in 1999 alone.
/2/ Go-Cart/Fun-Kart Related Injuries and Deaths, 1985-1996
An estimated 125,900 go-cart/fun-kart related injuries, an average of 10,500 injuries per year, were treated in emergency rooms during the period. There were 231 go-kart/fun-kart related deaths of all ages.
/ii/ Go-cart related injuries
Okay the USA has over 260 million people (4x the UK population), and the majority of the data is based upon dipsticks in the urban environment. For example ref /2/ page 8; An 8-year-old boy was driving his go-cart about the parking lot and grounds of an auto facility. He lost control of the cart and crashed into a parked truck. The victim, who was under his father's supervision during the drive, died of cranial injuries after hitting the truck's steel bumper.
Back to the original theme, does anyone know if (injurous) accident data is gathered by the MSA ?.