How di they GET your email address???? They used an email addresses that they bought in a large 'block' of 100, 1000, 100,000, etc. email addresses. When they bought the addresses, they had no idea if the emails on the list were genuine or 'still valid'. For all they knew, the addresses might be 10 years old and many may be now defunct. Finally, for all they knew, any number of the addresses may be completely fictiotious. They can't exactly SUE the person who sold then the email addresses, can they!
Such a block of 'unconfirmed' email addresses is CHEAP to buy. However, if they can whittle that 100 down to 20 email addresses that they can GUARANTEE are active and being replied to, then that list of 20 will be more valuable to RE-sell than the 100 names they bought in the first place!
Now..... if you REPLY in any way AT ALL, they K*N*O*W your email is ACTIVE and is being monitored...... you have therefore INCREASED the re-sale value of you own email address to the NEXT scammer!!
So.,.... unless you are REALLY going to 'sting' them (and risk a visit from some potentially VERY nasty friends, I might add), then just don't reply AT ALL! If your reply, they KNOW your email address is ACTIVE!
The choice is, of course, yours!