Hi All Thank you for your welcoming response to my first post. Unfortunately I couldn't get to the meeting due to work... Anyways I am planiing to go up to Kartmania to have a wander round. Can someone help in laymans terms with the following. I have read the forum but baffled myself even more: 1) Is TKM a cheaper class than rotax? 2) Whats the difference between TKM extreme and prokart? 3) Is TAG becoming a pre-requiste and is this better if it can be afforded? 4) Can one add any type of bodywork onto a kart? 5) Is it worth geting a cheap playtoy off ebay to practice engine building etc and is there any manuals worth looking at (for sosmeone who has never done it) and if so whats best to buy 6) Anyone near Shefford, Bedfordshire and with a club? 7) Any local kart mentors? 8) Is testing different to just getting used to being in a kart and driving... I have only ever driven one for my ARKS test..
Spot the newboy eh :-)
Thanks Martyn