With the 2010 regulations for Honda Cadets raising the minimum weight to 103 kg, I was wondering if all of the implications have been covered my the MSA ?
A mass increase will (a) increase the amount of kinetic energy available to a collision. (b) increase braking distances, (c) reduce acceleration. So what is the reasoning to add 3kg here ?.
Is it to allow heavier cadets to remain in the class so delaying their uplift into faster classes ?, is it to pull the Honda Cadets away from Comer Cadets so that mixed grids of Hondas & WTPs can run on 'equal' performance ?.
Back onto kinetic energy. The Civil Aviation Authority policy on model aircraft and UAVs is under review and is moving from a maximum speed & weight classes for these air vehicles, to a kinetic energy based approach. Thus improving safety if the chaps fall out of the sky.
Does anyone know how the MSA determines its limits of mass and speed for kart classes ? is it arbitrary ?.