I have read all of your posts and I think that I have got the jist of what you are trying to get across in your own unique? style.
You win. I give up. Trying to have a reasonable debate or discussion with yourself is impossible.
You have a unique ability to ignore what has actually been written and fabricate what you want when it comes to replying to other peoples posts.
Your latest rambling refers to me "keep making refrence to my other Agenda or conspiracey". I only referred to this once throughout this thread.
You state "i raced DYKC every meeting last year and supported them 100%, which gives me the somewhat of a right to comment, how many meetings did you attend to give support? i seem to be touching on a nerve as you seem to have plenty to say on the matter."
I have made no comment on this whatsoever!
You obviously believe that you are 100% right in what you write. Sadly most of what you have written is based on your opinion rather than fact.
Funnily enough a lot of people say that opinions are a bit like a**eholes, everybody has one.
This is going nowhere and I really do think I would get a more reasoned and rational response if I was to talk to a brick wall.
Merry Xmas....or do you think there is an ulterior motive in this?
Gordon Welsh