This is a new package which is basically all the features of Jet-Tech Pro but with out the jetting features. One day karters may realise that F1 teams don't record over 1500 data channels for fun it's because having those setup and performance records helps them to go faster next time they hit the track and saves them money by not wasting engine hours and tyres using a poor chassis setup.
A new version of Jet-Tech Pro is about to be released, new features are:
Needlejet and Idlejet are automatically reset when change NeedleJet/IdleJet with air density is selected
Denso Plug range extended to include the full range allowed.
Fuel/Oil Ratio added to jetting setup screen
Tyre Pressures in Bar/PSI (0.1 or 0.01) on the SetUp and Data Analyst screens, individual pressures for each wheel can now be selected and saved - change made for Digital Gauges
Added Soft, Medium, Hard and Nylon to chassis Torsion Bar options to suit the TonyKart and Intrepid range of options.
Data Analyst 'sorting' changed, to prove speed when setup records exceed 10,000 (not many will notice that one unless you have been karting for a long long time! LOL
US Gallons /Fluid Oz in the Fuel/Oil Ratio calculations if imperial units are selected.
Fuel/Oil Ratio added to Diaphragm Carb jetting setup screen
Improved printing of the Kart SetUp Sheets, this now ensures that the Comments/Driver Feedback notes will fit the page
4th Chassis Rail added to the SetUp and Data Analyst screens for those chassis with this option.
And finally a Karting Document Library added so that all must have advice is right with you at the track, includes driving advice and tips, technical manuals and a large selection of manufacturers kart set-up manuals.
Just keep your eye on the website as the free update for existing users will be posted shortly, we will also put an announcement in the news section of this website.