Which is why the OB is designed to breakaway, but has fine nylon retaining cord to stop it just falling off, at which point I lose the next argument about untethered objects 'flying about'. (Arrrgghhh... but it has no mass! you can't win. Anyway I must stop now, you're setting off my anxiety!)
"... mainly in the broadcasters technical requirements..." that I know, and have had to explain to people as to where �5000-�10000 per day, suddenly appears from, and all for exposure on late night/quiet afternoon to the small (but admittedly dedicated) subscription service audience.
Someone (not me) needs to create a quality internet video platform, to give it away free to interested website/forums (such as this) to get 90-95% of the quality of 'broadcast' content, for +/-50% of the cost, to the same specialist audience, perhaps a wider one, but on line... And not have to bother with broadcasters "technical specifications" document and all that extra �...