Rob - you took the word right outof my mouth !! QOT - wehave 2 boys competing with NatSKA ,The eldest had a school kart for 3 years- if he was still using a school kart then he would deny someone else the opportunity to try karting at a reasonable cost. All our team pay a race entry premium to sure we always have funds available to maintain the school karts. We value the team ethos greatly and we can leave our boys to be self sufficient in the paddock knowing that the team will help out if there ae problems while we contribute to the officiating of the meeting. No volnteer officials then no meeting nd no one races some teams contribute more than their fair share of officials at meetings. What would happen if it was decided that privateers could not be part of Natska ? Natska wouldn't exist as it wouldn't be able to afford the circuit hire costs. My eldest has been voted Team member of the year twice by his peers i.e the drivers in the team as he is a superb mechanic for his age and will help anyone no matter what team. The friendships we have made as a family transcends the on track rivalry and the lessons and values learned at Natska an important lesson that I doubt is replicated at MSA. The opportunity to partcipate in a roaming series is also far better experience tan just doing a club series at one track with MSA. Without NatSKA's support one of my boy would not have had the opportunity to compete at Super 1- even without spectacular results at NatSKA the directors recognised his driving ability and was given a scholarship entry and did reasonably well earning a seeded number and did himself, us , his school team and Natska proud in a field that had teams spending far more than we could dream about - we would never have entered off our own bat. Natska meetings also reward consistency by using a points system through the heats rather than the all or nothing finals at MSA. So all in all there is a lot to be said for sticking with Natska even if you dabble at MSA as well