Today was, lets just an experience!
Got there today and it took me a bit of time to get setup and looked like a bit of an idiot doing it :( Got the green flag an did 8 laps when "cough cough" died!! DAM!! Took the plug out and it was covered with an oily stuff. Oh crap here we go again! All on my own with no help i decided to put my other new plug in and tried to start it. Turned it over and "BANG" and then it ran. Went back out again and made sure it was to temp and started going for it. Ran great untill it spun it onto the grass then next lap i hit the tire wall!!! Woops. a few laps later "cough cough" died again. :(
Time for home i think....
Had the owners waiting for me to go so they could go home so i had to load the kart and trailer stuff outside the gates.
Also notice quite alot of this oily stuff dribbled from the exhaust/engine.
Right then what have i done wrong? The settings must be wrong??
Anyone help??
From a very exhausted matt.