All good words of wisdom then!! It just depends how far you wish to travel to have a play. From my own experience with the ellough practice days is that you will get 15mins every hr, or 20mins every hr depending on how many classes turn up for the day. Just trust me when i say you will WANT to stop after 15mins, and by the time you get back to your pit area, sort out the kart, fuel it and yourself, then its time to go back out for the next session. Any newcomer who thinks they can circulate at a good pace for longer is a bloody good athelete, as i wanna die after that time.. Im probably going to pop in this coming saturday and deffo going up on the sunday so its upto you. Im not starting my racing yet as im old and its too cold for me!!! However i will gladly bring some spares and rotax tools and go through some things with you.