....take people's word about it being dead, I doubt it.
The new and old transponders can be fitted with new batteries.
1. Charge transponder
2. Allow to completely stop running (watch LED for at least 15 seconds to ensure the LED does not flash at all)
3. Then place on charge for 10 seconds and then take off charge
4. Allow to completely stop running as before
5. Repeat step 3 and 4 several times
6. Place on charge and allow to fully charge
7. Take off charge and see if there has been an improvement in runtime
They get their knickers in a twist sometimes, especially when you replace the battery with a new one, as they tend to remember their last cycle.
The fact that you get the red light flashing in sets of three and then reducing to one over a couple of days, says to me that it is working.
I know you expect that it should flash green but I have seen transponders that flash red when charging and also flash red during their discharge cycle of X days, so don't write it off yet.
Email me if you're stuck. [email protected]