Michael�s proposed structure shows exactly why any attempt to legislate which products people should buy/use is fraught with problems and doomed to fail. Michael, apart from Honda Cadet, you would permit 2-stroke only. For the mainstream you would permit only 2 manufacturers, TKM and BRP Rotax, the latter of which already enjoys worldwide dominance by virtue of their vastly superior resources. But when it comes to the minority segment of gearbox karts � your area of interest � you would suddenly have no less than 4 �classes�.
As for the premier classes, that�s all decided by certain interests in Italy anyway, isn�t it?
So I cannot imagine how any �official� review of karting can come up with anything that does not smack of vested interest. A free and open market is the only way, and it�s generally the way the big wide world outside karting operates.
dth07: what will you have achieved when you�ve successfully told Tom, Dick and Harry to go away? I�m sure they can find other ways to spend their money. I know I could.