As already stated it has always been against the rules.
Last year it was clarified.
At our last race it was briefed at the drivers briefing, that the rule would be enforced. Spot checks would be carried out.
I think every cadet parent/mechanic agrees that it makes it safer for the driver to remove the rubber and the heat gun is the quickest easist way to do it. But as in all motorsport, its a rule and if you can get an advantage from bending the rule then someone will do it.
You remove the rubber straight after you get back to your pitspace with a hot air gun and are careful just to remove the rubber and no more.
Joe Bloggs waits til the last minute and is careless and the heat gun blows on his rims for a while as well. But it was all done for "safety".
If only everyone was honest. Oh by the way I am not accusing Joe Bloggs of cheating.