It's not the difficulty that is the issue: it's taking the safety precaution COMMENSURATE with the RISKS!
At the end of the day, is really IS Y*O*U*R arm and Y*O*U*R neck! I can;t STOP you risking your lives! However, I DO object when you risk those around you, too!
As a 'society', we agree we will do ALL WE CAN, for example, to stop people racing without crash helmets..... even if THEY think it's safe. Most of you can see how BONKERS it would be to race without a helmet and would join me in trying to persuade those who DON'T know any better to WEAR a helmet. You would agree with me that, despite it being THEIR choice, we would try do persuade them that it's NOT safe!
However, I have S*E*E*N the results of people being unlucky (and stupid) when 'strap/rope' starting karts whereas I suspect not many other people HAVE seen it! Once you have seen THAT result, it will alter your views....... I'd prefer that you DIDN'T have to see it!
For me, being safe is about having the SLIGHTEST bit of imagination in nseeing HOW things could go wrong and the POTENTIAL results of them going wrong. Carring hot coffee between your legs COULD result in a painful burn...... getting it wrong with a strap/rope COULD KILL YOU!
The rules on this sort of thing are failry clear for Electric Starts! The REASON you are NOT allowed to start a kart on a dummy grid WITHOUT the driver being seated is to prevent just ONE of the 'scary' outcomes I have listed. However, I do NOT believe there is a RULE to prevent the use of 'straps/ropes' without a seated driver and I think that is plain INSANITY!
As I said, it's NOT about the 'difficulty' any more than the ban on allowing Loaded Shotguns in the Tescos is because pulling the trigger is DIFFICULT! Both are EASY....... it's the GIGANTIC risks that is the problem in BOTH those examples.