Looking back at your past posts, it looks like you brought one for an Alfano pro.
I haven't seen the connectors on an Alfano Pro v2 but I suspect they have probably changed the connectors.
The sensor you now have, may or may not work if it had an adaptor cable to change the connectors.
It depends on what the V2 looks for in the way of resistace on the water sensor.
If it's 47k, the same as the Pro, then it would work with an adaptor cable.
Then the sensor would still fit both Pro and V2.
if you go to this link: http://www.macckartingonline.co.uk/kart---alfano-pro-version-2--astro-extension-lead-746-p.asp
you will see that they have an extention cable for the temperature sensor.
It is possible to cut the end off this cable and fit a TNC male connector to it and that will probably work, otherwise you need to buy the correct sensor: http://www.macckartingonline.co.uk/kart---alfano-pro-version-2--astro-temp-sensor-745-p.asp
If you have a way of getting your unit to me with the sensor you have already brought, I could do the check for you before you spend anymore money.