I think much of the negativity stems from the circumstances that surrounded the introduction of the TV coverage when it was announced a few months ago
The prices were hiked up for TV coverage, supposedly because the vast majority of people at S1 wanting it - though several people later came back saying they had never been consulted, and couldn't afford the rises - the TKM series seemed particuarly badly hit and a comprimise had to be reached in order to keep the numbers coming
That wasn't the fault of Alan though, just initially poor communication from S1 which they later tried to rectify - now though I feel much of the anger/dissatisfaction is what was carried over from the initial outrage, rather than totally unrelated criticism
In my opinion, the TV coverage is a nice thing to see, though in reality brings little benefit to the average competitor - though it's probably worth seeing out the season, and if sponsors and plaudits don't come running through the door, maybe the TV coverage should take a step back