Bucky *****
Some of us 'old timers' spend quite a bit of time here TRYING to help people: we do it because we LOVE karting.
However, when a question is written LAZILY (e.g., spelled badly, poor grammer, carelessly thrown together, not enough info, etc., etc.,) then it is REALLY hard to want to BOTHER!
1) THINK about the question you want answered and see if the QUESTION makes sense to the R*E*A*D*E*R (not the WRITER)
2) Remember that those who help are LIKELY to be OLDER, thus: more grumpy, more 'old school', less likely to appreciate 'Text-Speak' and, frankly, less keen to work at translating such questions.
Next: if YOU are a newbie, I really do NOT recommend lecturing the likes of Newshound who WILL help you, if you are polite but is not under ANY OBLIGATION SO TO DO!
Next: if you wish to lecture me on CAPITALS, please do so.... you won't be the first... or the last.... but it might JUST affect how I answer any of your questions in future!
Please try to remember, many of you are ASKING US FOR OUR TIME...... and we do NOT 'owe' it to you!
MGCARPENTRY *************
Put simply..... at an early stage in your karting life, Dyno sheets are a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME! The engine is rarely the cause of your lack of perfomance in you8r first two years.... it's you DRIVING abilities... work on them, first.
Secondly, the reading of a dyno sheet is NOT simple! Anyone can produce you an angine that will giuve a VERY high 'peak' but the peak could be VERY narrow! That would be GREAT if you could guarantee lapping at a constant rev-band which exatlky fitted that peak.... but unles you are racing 'American Ovals', that is NOT what your engine needs.
Crudely, you want the FATTEST and HIGHEST peak that you can afford.... and that will COST you a lot of MONEY!
Finally, unless you know your tuner VERY well and you know the EXACT coinditions on which he creates the 'dyno' report then they are a waste of time! The 'value' of what YOU think is 1bhp on one tuner's Dyno may well NOT be the same on ANOTHER tuner's Dyno..... so..... 16.2bhp on Tuner X's Dyno may well be 17.3bhp or 15.5bhp on someone else's Dyno!
The ONLY thing worthwhile about the Dyno is twhen you give your tuner your motor and ask him to evaluate a specific (or more than one) change and he compares for example, 1 Carb against a second one ON T^%HE SAME DAY.... WITHINTHE SAME HOUR..... because it's VERY possible that the change in (for example) air temperature will have had MORE effect than the change of carb.....
In other words... until you are regularly at the FRONT of karting..... don't waste your time on Dyno reports!